Greg Morrison's winning Limerick
November 2020
We play tennis, we golf and shoot pool
Staying active is clearly the rule
We may go on a hike
We may ride on our bike
Who says these old farts aren't cool
Title 1
The Greater Danbury Area Men’s Club is a nonprofit association located in Danbury, CT. The Club is made up of area men of various backgrounds and interests. Most of the members are either retired, or approaching retirement, and thus represent a wide range of experiences and interests. The Club’s objectives are to promote fellowship by enriching the lives of its members through various meetings, activities, and events.
The Club meets at Hatters Park banquet halls on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, from September through June, except for November and December, when there is one meeting on the 2nd Wednesday. Membership is open to all men of the Greater Danbury area. Applicants for a new membership must have a sponsor who is an active member and will introduce the application to the club at a regular meeting and guide him through the application process.